Twin Transit Accepts Bids for New Mellen Street e-Transit Station

We’re one step closer! Twin Transit received 13 proposals for construction of the Mellen Street e-Transit Station during our recent bidding process. We would like to thank all the businesses who took the time to consider this important project and submit a bid.

The contract has been awarded to Barcott Construction Inc. We are so excited to work in coordination with this local company to make the Mellen Street e-Transit Station vision a reality.

When complete, the Mellen Street e-Transit Station will support zero-emission electric public transit in our community. It will include electric bus access; wave induction charging; electric car charging; vanpool, bicycle and pedestrian access; and visual enhancements. We are thrilled to bring this asset to Lewis County.

By incorporating green technologies, we can continue to support employment, education, and economic development in a more fiscally and environmentally responsible way.

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