Why I Ride

There are many reasons to ride Twin Transit. Read what our riders have to say!

“I ride the bus because I have seizures. I had a seizure and was in a car accident. Luckily, it was just me and my car that were hurt. That’s when I decided to start riding Twin Transit and I have been riding for over five years.”


“My car recently broke down. I am able to ride Twin Transit to get to work and will until I am able to buy a new vehicle.”


“I carpool from Rochester to Mellen e-Transit Station to get to my rehabilitation program. Transportation is really helping me a lot in my journey right now.”


“I live in Centralia and take the bus for transportation. I love Twin Transit because the drivers are great and it’s a simple, easy-to-understand system. I rely on transit to get to Walmart, the grocery store, to restaurants and to my work. I want to see Twin Transit flourish and continue to expand service.” – Josh

It is affordable.

“I ride Twin Transit because I don’t have a car; it’s too expensive. Twin Transit is affordable for me.”

– James, 30-year Twin Transit rider