LIFTT Paratransit

Need to get to a doctor’s appointment? Time to get groceries? Ready for a fun day out? If you are living with a disability, Twin Transit’s LIFTT Paratransit transportation service can help you get where you need to go.

This service is designed for passengers who are unable to use our fixed route bus system due to functional or cognitive mobility limitation. It serves locations within ¾ of a mile of a Twin Transit fixed route.

How do you get LIFTT service? Simply follow these steps:

1. Submit a completed application.

ADA LIFTT service is only for those passengers who are genuinely prevented from using the fixed route system. As such, LIFTT eligibility may be denied to applicants seeking approval for purposes of convenience or discomfort.

The application process involves collecting mobility information from a doctor or other professional health care provider who can describe how the passenger’s limitations prevent access and use of the fixed route bus system. Professional documentation affirming a passenger’s limited mobility is required. Additionally, an in-person interview may be conducted between the passenger and Twin Transit staff to discuss the passenger’s mobility and the specific barriers preventing reasonable access and use of the fixed route system. 

Approved passengers will be eligible to book LIFTT rides through the Twin Transit app. If you need assistance using the app, please contact our team at 360-330-5555. All approved LIFTT passengers are encouraged to use the fixed route system whenever possible.

2. Schedule a LIFTT Ride

LIFTT passengers may schedule trips by contacting Twin Transit dispatch at (360) 330-5555. Reservation hours are Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or 24/7 when booked through the app. You can book your ride in the Twin Transit app; but you must contact Twin Transit dispatch to ensure this service has been assigned to your user profile. Booking through the app is easy- simply set up your user account, select the LIFTT service, book your ride and keep track of your scheduled rides.

When calling to make a trip request, please have the following information ready:

  • Name
  • Date and time of pickup
  • Address of pickup
  • Address of destination
  • Number of travel companions or accompanying Personal Care Attendant (PCA)

LIFTT is a reservation-based system as well as a shared ride system. This means that passengers may be on the bus with other passengers traveling to other destinations. Passengers traveling on ADA LIFTT vehicles can expect some trips to require the same amount of time as the Twin Transit fixed route system.

Please remember that Twin Transit uses a combination of LIFTT reservations and fixed-route deviations to meet eligible demand.

3. Ride LIFTT!

This is the easy part. Our friendly LIFTT drivers help you get where you need to go. We can’t wait to meet you!

Important Things to Remember:

Twin Transit provides local LIFTT transportation service for eligible passengers in our community, however we are not affiliated with Paratransit Services, Inc.

Paratransit Services Inc. is a contracted Medicaid broker for the State of Washington’s Health Care Authority (HCA) in southwest Washington that arranges medical transportation trips. If you are a Medicaid recipient and are trying to reach Paratransit Services, Inc. to schedule a ride, please call them directly at (800) 846-5438 or visit their website at

Twin Transit LIFTT Service

As a requirement of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Twin Transit offers ADA LIFTT service to passengers who are prevented from using the fixed route bus system due to a functional or cognitive mobility limitation. ADA LIFTT is a reservation based door-to-door service that serves any location within 3/4 of a mile of a Twin Transit fixed route.

LIFTT: Life – Independence – Freedom – Twin Transit